Tuesday 12 November 2013

On running....

So last year one of my closest buddies ran a marathon. And as he was heading past the 23 mile mark and we cheered him on and he gave us the kind of grimace that might have been a smile 20 miles previously, I thought 'hm, that looks like fun.' Seriously, I thought fun. 

Fast forward six months and I figured, why not? I used to run. A lot. I even ran in several national competitions. I was pretty good at it.  How hard can taking it up again be? I own trainers and a running top with an iPhone pocket, surely I'm mostly prepared?

Two weeks on, and with the excitement of signing up well behind me, and with the two people i convinced into running with me well into training already, I'm now sat on the sofa contemplating the fact that this is the last day I shall be a former runner. Tomorrow I become a runner. Again. But tonight it's me, the red wine, the last few bits of haribo in a bag. 


Monday 12 September 2011

International Crochet Day

Today is International Crochet Day!! Yay!

Unfortunately, my day job, while funding my yarn habit, is not well disposed to spending a huge amount of time hooking to my hearts content. Shame.

However, I couldn't let today go by without making something quick and easy! My other half had recently cleared out a large quantity of old T-shirts in a variety of colours and I'm not a fan of throwing things in the bin. Most of them were too shabby to take to the charity shop so I decided to cut them up and crochet a rug from them. I started this project back in May and then life kind of got in the way and this big pile of rags has even moved house with us since then.

Et voila, my project for today!

This rag rug is merely crocheted in a spiral in treble crochet and was worked with an 8mm hook. I plan to stick it at the side of my bed so my feet don't have to bear the cold of the laminate floor when I get out of bed first thing in the morning!

Saturday 21 May 2011

TARDIS, leggings and skirts

So this has been a super productive day. I now own a purple and a green denim mini, converted from charity shop jeans and I am halfway through the crochet TARDIS and halfway through a pair of leg warmers.

The leg warmers came about at pole class last week. I was helping teach the beginners class and I ended up freezing cold so I dug out my dance cardi ( pattern courtesy of the Crochet Kitten) and decided to knit some purple leg warmers to match. I'd love to knit something I could actually dance in, however as yet I haven't found a pattern for something skimpy enough!


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Friday 20 May 2011

The elusive crocheted TARDIS

So I would like to crochet a TARDIS for Sara's birthday. However, most of those I have seen have not got patterns attached to them. Which means that I, the laziest crocheter, have got to create my own pattern. Or find her another present. But I'm as stubborn as I am lazy and I am therefore currently engaged in trying to find a yarn in an appropriate blue that doesn't cost the earth.

Cheap, stubborn and lazy...hardly selling myself here am I?!

So tomorrow will find me in my
LYS attempting what could prove to be mission impossible


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